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 Introduction Service

This website will have profiles of people seeking serious long-term relationships.
I lack the authority to marry any two arbitrary people, but I ask that a serious relationship be your goal if you ask to have a profile created.
My current vision is that by matching a relatively small number of people, I can subsidize my time spent making people aware of internet scams.

Lean In

There can certainly be exceptions, but as I discuss in the video, to an overwhelming extent:

Professionals in the fields of biology and sociology can debate to what degree the above points are dictated by nature or nurture.
On behalf of the rest of us, I would like to proclaim: "vive la différence!"

Hire me to find you a suitable bride!

What makes someone a suitable bride... and why a bride anyways?
I have 2 goals with this service:

I could work on behalf of anyone, but men are more likely to be interested in paying for an introduction service.
The population of men looking for women is so vast that an absolutely infinitesimal market share would be more than I could handle.
The population of women looking for men is also vast.

The Catch

To quote Michio Kaku, "There's always a catch."
In this case, the catch is that women are only looking for men that meet some threshold of financial resources and status.
If you are a man living in an expensive part of the United States with an income too high to qualify for government benefits but low enough that you are still struggling, this service on this page is not for you.
In contrast, if you are living in the Bible Belt with those same financial resources you might be an extremely eligible bachelor.
My stretch goal is to own a home in two sunbelt cities.
It may or may not happen, but the total combined cost would be roughly the same as one home in an expensive northern city.
Below I will call out some specific states:

No offense intended for any location not listed.
There are a lot places in the southeast that are not merely really nice but outright magnificent.
I would be far from disappointed to wake up in some alternate reality where I found myself living in Oxford, Mississippi or Cary, North Carolina.

Two-Tiered System

I am planning on having a two-tiered system.
A member can pay a large fee to have an entry on this website.
I may adjust my plan, but I am thinking the profile page will not have pictures.
The premise of this page is that you are looking to meet a specific someone special, not just anyone.
I will need to meet each person over video meeting and also be sent one or more photos, but I will leave photos off the website.
Members will pay a significant fee to have a profile on this website.
People visiting this website will be able to email me and express an interest in someone in the list.

Which Tier of Service

Both men or women are welcome to choose which tier of service they want.
It is up to each person to make the appropriate decision for him or herself.
For example, a man might create a paid profile.
A given woman might not have paid for a membership but she would be able to express interest in someone that has a paid profile.
She might email something such as:
"I am interested in { User Such and Such }. While I used to dream of becoming a model, the last few years my focus has been on my career as a pharmacist. { User Such and Such } said he was both looking for a stay-at-home wife and was able to provide for one. As much as I enjoy my job and as much of a thrill being on the cover or even just on the pages inside a magazine might have been, it would be a bigger thrill to be a stay-at-home wife looking after my future children. I would be more than happy to get my fill of ego validation by dressing up in cute outfits for my future husband."