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2025, 2026, and Beyond

Common Internet Scams

AI Trading Bot Scams 
Art Commission Scams 
Cryptocurrency Scams 
Fake McAfee Website 
Fake Shopping Websites 
Pig Butchering Scam 
Signal, Telegram, and WhatsApp Scams 
Sugar Daddy and Sugar Momma Scams 
Wrong Number Scam


A Very Real and Very Public Exercise In Denial

Online Dating

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His or Her Profile Disappeared?! 
Matchmaking Service
Nature Abhors a Vacuum 

Recovery Scams

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Scam Awareness: Concepts

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Timeshares AKA Vacation Clubs
Internet Scams


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 Wrong Number Scam

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The following are some of the virtual places where internet scammers prospect for victims:

My YouTube short below is intended to spread awareness of wrong number scams:

Often, but not always, a wrong number scam will begin with a text that includes a photo of a scantily clad woman.
This would be difficult to explain to 15-year-old me, but I do not find incoming texts with pictures of attractive women to be at all pleasant.
Such texts almost always mean that someone intends to scam me.
In my particular case, it is actually not merely almost always but simply always.
The scam message was likely initiated by an automated process.


There is no value in replying to a wrong number scam.
Even if you feel compelled to reply with a stream of expletives, all that replying can do is confirm to the scammer that your number is live.
Depending on the scam operation, you may be handed off immediately to a human if you answer the text or an automated script might continue on its own.