
What This Website Is Not 
My Ideal Job
My Intended Audience 
2025, 2026, and Beyond

Common Internet Scams

AI Trading Bot Scams 
Art Commission Scams 
Cryptocurrency Scams 
Fake McAfee Website 
Fake Shopping Websites 
Pig Butchering Scam 
Signal, Telegram, and WhatsApp Scams 
Sugar Daddy and Sugar Momma Scams 
Wrong Number Scam


A Very Real and Very Public Exercise In Denial

Online Dating

Be Classy 
His or Her Profile Disappeared?! 
Matchmaking Service
Nature Abhors a Vacuum 

Recovery Scams

What Is A Recovery Scam?

Scam Awareness: Concepts

Subscribe, Unsubscribe?
Understanding Website Addresses

Scam Awareness: Tools

When Was a Website Created?


Timeshares AKA Vacation Clubs
Internet Scams


YouTube Premium
YouTube TV

 My Ideal Job

Home  Contents 

If you were to ask a young person what his or her dream job would be, he or she might say that his or her dream job is to become a professional athlete.
I lack the hand-eye coordination required to even be an intramural athlete, so I cannot summon the suspension of disbelief needed for me to dream of being a professional athlete.
My dream job would be to travel between places such as senior centers explaining the basics of internet security.

My dream job.

How would I fund this adventure?

Sell Space For a Limited Number of Dating Profiles On This Website

On a typical dating website there may or may not be some warnings about dating scams when you login.
My plan is to flip the script.
There will be dating profiles intended to drive people to this website so that I can cover various internet dating related scams.