Common Internet Scams
Online Dating
Recovery Scams
Scam Awareness: Concepts
Scam Awareness: Tools
Common Internet Scams
Online Dating
Recovery Scams
Scam Awareness: Concepts
Scam Awareness: Tools
One way to categorize the population of the United States would be the following:
The primary mission of government is to serve category 4, the wealthy, while at a minimum paying lip service towards helping those who are officially poor.
The target audience of this website regarding how to avoid dating scams will be all 4 categories.
The target audience of this website for paid services will be category 3, the mass affluent.
If you are searching for a romantic partner, you may have a preference as to a potential partner's ethnicity.
That is your right.
In contrast, if you are visiting this website in order to learn how to recognize internet scams, I cannot possibly stress how much I do not care about your ethnicity.
I do not say that to make myself seem like a good person.
Rather, the more that people are aware of internet scams, the less profitable it will be for scammers to scam people.
Widows are one of the prime targets of internet dating scams.
A widow of today likely went from living with at least one other family member from her birth until the death of her husband.
Women generally live longer than men do and historically men married later than women because men were expected to have financial resources before they married.
Women that are now widows took care of people that are adults today long ago when we were completely helpless by virtue of being babies.
I would especially like widows to take advantage of the information on this website.