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 Beware of Fake Shopping Websites

Look out for the following when evaluating shopping websites:

Padlock Myth

A persistent myth is that if a website shows the padlock icon in your web browser's address bar that means that the website is safe.
The padlock icon merely means that the connection between your browser and the website is encrypted.
It does not mean that some third party has verified that a website is safe.
Think of a shopping website displaying a padlock in an address bar like a woman who is very physically attractive applying to become an NFL cheerleader.
For a woman applying to be an NFL cheerleader, being physically attractive is not an advantage.
It is merely table stakes.

YouTube Short

My YouTube short below touches on some of the points on this page.
A YouTube short has a hard-limit of 60 seconds, so I needed to restrict the video to the most essential points.

Beware of Fake Shopping Websites