
What This Website Is Not 
My Ideal Job
My Intended Audience 
2025, 2026, and Beyond

Common Internet Scams

AI Trading Bot Scams 
Art Commission Scams 
Fake McAfee Website 
Fake Shopping Websites 
Pig Butchering Scam 
Signal, Telegram, and WhatsApp Scams 
Sugar Daddy and Sugar Momma Scams 
US Customs USPS Phishing Text
Wrong Number Scam


Cryptocurrency Scams


YouTube Premium
YouTube TV


A Very Real and Very Public Exercise In Denial

Online Dating

Be Classy 
His or Her Profile Disappeared?! 
Matchmaking Service
Nature Abhors a Vacuum 

Recovery Scams

What Is A Recovery Scam?

Scam Awareness: Concepts

Subscribe, Unsubscribe?
Understanding Website Addresses

Scam Awareness: Tools

When Was a Website Created?


Timeshares AKA Vacation Clubs
Internet Scams


YouTube Premium
YouTube TV


Home  Contents 

Website Introduction

My website has a lot of content regarding how to avoid internet scams.
If you do not have time to read all of it, at least keep in mind the 2 points below:

Website Mission

The mission of this website is to spread awareness of internet scams.
Scams on the internet are now extremely common, especially on dating websites.
I would like to have children.
English is the only language that I am proficient in, so I would likely be raising them in the United States.
In the United States, university prestige and the list price of attendance are very strongly correlated.
If my family were to be competing for admission against scammers that have large amounts of money to donate to universities, my children would not really be competing at all.
When you give money to a scammer, in addition to the impact on your own family, you are making it harder for all honest people to compete.

Website Address

You may or may not have noticed that the top-level domain for this website is org.
I would love for you to buy services offered on this website if they are appropriate for you, but in my case the org top-level domain does not mean that I am organized as any kind of charity.
It is simply because I had limited options to choose from.
If you are unfamiliar with language such as top-level domain, please read my web page Understanding Website Addresses.
While that page does define terms such as top-level domain, it is not important to memorize jargon.
However, it is important that you understand the concepts.

Website Functionality

One of my personal interests is building awareness of internet scams.

If either of the two bullet items above were true, I would not be begging people to learn about internet scams, I would actively be turning down speaking engagements.
That phenomenon is far from unique to either:

If a news organization wants to get an interview with Warren Buffet, it is possible that the organization will send someone who has only X chromosomes
However, if the organization is actually serious about getting an interview, there is a significantly greater than 50/50 chance that it will send someone who has both X and Y chromosomes.

As such, as a hook to get people interested in my website, my website will include not just the first bullet item below, but both of the bullet items below.

If you are a man that owns his own home, you should not fall for dating themed scams, because there are real women who want to be with you.
If you are a man who neither owns his own home nor has unambiguous indicators of a high status career to come, you should be extremely careful with internet dating.
You will be communicating overwhelmingly with internet scammers, plus a small number of women in pursuit of one or both of the following: